TCP July 2021
On the first Monday of every month, we meet on Zoom to discuss transatlantic and global issues. The idea is that even though we are in different places geographically and personally, we exchange ideas, learn from each other, and grow more and more into a part of an understanding global society.
In July we talked about Migration. A phenomenon that for thousands of years human kind is experiencing. However, societies today and in the more recent past have discussed and dealt with migration from different angels. Even though the conversation is some months in the past, the topic is always relevant and just now has been once again up in the top of European news. We try to understand the discussion and found help in the following texts:
Anti-immigration, like pro-immigration, is a legitimate political position | The Economist (Yuval Noah Harari)
Migrants on the Front Lines of Global Class War | Jacobin (Hilary Goodfriend)
On Migrants Rights, Joe Biden Still Has a Long Way to Go | Jacobin (Adam Goodman)
How Deportation Became the Core of Europe’s Migration Policy | Jacobin (Daiva Repečkaitė)
Journeys of hope: what will migration routes into Europe look like in 2021? | Guardian (Lorenzo Tondo)
Covid-19 crisis puts migration and progress on integration at risk | (OECD)
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