Based on the cooperation agreement between German American Exchange e.V., Munich and German American Exchange, Inc., Atlanta, both non-profit organizations aim at jointly promoting the international exchange of students between the United States and Germany.
Welcome to German American Exchange e.V.
German American Exchange e.V. – a German registered non-profit organization – will enable young German students and professionals to complete an internship and take courses at an American university.
The United States are an important part of this world, especially for young Europeans from Germany. Our own experience in working with the U.S. during many years and the resulting personal ties form an excellent starting point for a transatlantic exchange program.
About us: The association German-American Exchange e.V.

David Rückel
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Sebastian Meis
Member of the Supervisory BoardADVISORY BOARD

Dr. Christoph Rückel
Chairman of the Advisory Board
Rüdiger Lentz
Chairman of the Advisory Board
Keith Calhoun-Senghor
Member of the Advisory Board
Tobias Huning
Member of the Advisory Board
Klaus Tornow
Member of the Advisory Board
Alina Bikineyeva
Member of the Advisory BoardDr. Frieder Dittmar
Member of the Advisory BoardManagement

Nicole McCartney
Managing Director
Laura Pacifico
Senior Project Manager
German American Exchange is based on two separate entities that merely agreed on a joint cooperation promoting the international exchange of students between the United States and Germany.
We aim at offering internships that help participants to become aware of and understand the growing importance of the economic relationship between Europe and the U.S. Mutual trust is reinforced, mental hurdles are surmounted, and prejudices broken down.
The GAE exchange program gives participants a clear insight into the thought process and working environment in the U.S., serves transatlantic understanding, and furthers personal development.
Another culture is best understood, and the language is best learned by living in the host country for a fairly long time and engaging in dialog with native speakers every day.
The interns will thus renew the transatlantic German American relationship and form a foundation for upcoming generations.
An internship in the U.S. is conducive to one´s career. Unfortunately, many interested students and young professionals are lacking support in obtaining valuable experience abroad, because there are not many possibilities to obtain a suitable internship through a non-profit organization with a broad supporting network in the U.S., which also offer the following benefits:
- Assistance with procurement of required visas
- Exclusive, free courses at recognized colleges
- Removing financial and legal barriers
- Internships at top-tier globally renowned companies
- Combination of theory and practice with free university courses
Supported by:
German American Exchange e.V.
Nicole McCartney
Managing Director
Erika-Mann-Straße 7
D – 80636 Munich, Germany
Tel: +49 176 42 28 9279
E-Mail: nicole.mccartney@german-american-exchange.com